Putty Generate Ssh Key For Git

The PuTTYgen program is part of PuTTY, an open source networking client for the Windows platform.

Sep 26, 2019  SSH - Secure Shell - Used for authentication - By setting ssh key you can connect to GitLab server without using username and password each time Step 1: Run command ssh-keygen On Mac. How to Generate SSH key for Git. SSH keys are an access credential used in SSH protocol (Secure Shell) which is a network protocol that helps to login from one computer to another securely, as well as to manage networks, operating systems, and configurations. Windows git SSH authentication to GitHub. Follow @vlad. If you don’t have a SSH public/private key pair you can generate it using the puttygen utility. KitsPuttyplink.exe -v git@github.com Looking up host 'github.com' Connecting to port 22 Server version: SSH-2.0-libssh-0.6.0 Using SSH protocol version 2 We claim. The goal of this article is to guide users to generate and load SSH keys into SourceTree using PuTTY. To generate an SSH Key, select Tools Create or Import SSH Keys. This window should pop up: 2. Click Generate, and move the mouse randomly until a key is generated: 3. A public key and a private key should appear.

To generate an SSH key pair on Windows using the PuTTYgen program:
  1. Download and install PuTTY or PuTTYgen.

    To download PuTTY or PuTTYgen, go to http://www.putty.org/ and click the You can download PuTTY here link.

  2. Run the PuTTYgen program.
  3. Set the Type of key to generate option to SSH-2 RSA.
  4. In the Number of bits in a generated key box, enter 2048.
  5. Click Generate to generate a public/private key pair.

    As the key is being generated, move the mouse around the blank area as directed.

  6. (Optional) Enter a passphrase for the private key in the Key passphrase box and reenter it in the Confirm passphrase box.


    While a passphrase is not required, you should specify one as a security measure to protect the private key from unauthorized use. When you specify a passphrase, a user must enter the passphrase every time the private key is used.

  7. Click Save private key to save the private key to a file. To adhere to file-naming conventions, you should give the private key file an extension of .ppk (PuTTY private key).


    The .ppk file extension indicates that the private key is in PuTTY's proprietary format. You must use a key of this format when using PuTTY as your SSH client. It cannot be used with other SSH client tools. Refer to the PuTTY documentation to convert a private key in this format to a different format.
  8. Select all of the characters in the Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file box.

    Make sure you select all the characters, not just the ones you can see in the narrow window. If a scroll bar is next to the characters, you aren't seeing all the characters.

  9. Right-click somewhere in the selected text and select Copy from the menu.
  10. Open a text editor and paste the characters, just as you copied them. Start at the first character in the text editor, and do not insert any line breaks.
  11. Save the text file in the same folder where you saved the private key, using the .pub extension to indicate that the file contains a public key.
  12. If you or others are going to use an SSH client that requires the OpenSSH format for private keys (such as the ssh utility on Linux), export the private key:
    1. On the Conversions menu, choose Export OpenSSH key.
    2. Save the private key in OpenSSH format in the same folder where you saved the private key in .ppk format, using an extension such as .openssh to indicate the file's content.
  • Gerrit Tutorial
  • Setting up Git
  • Set Up SSH Keys in Gerrit
  • Prepare to work with Gerrit
  • How to Submit a Patch
  • How Code is reviewed in Gerrit
  • Gerrit Useful Resources
  • Selected Reading

Putty Generate Ssh Key For Git Download

SSH stands for Secure Shell or sometimes Secure Socket Shell protocol used for accessing network services securely from a remote computer. You can set the SSH keys to provide a reliable connection between the computer and Gerrit.

You can check the existing SSH key on your local computer using the following command in Git Bash −

After clicking the enter button, you will see the existing SSH key as shown in the following image −

Putty Generate Ssh Key For Git Server

If you don't find any existing SSH key, then you need to create a new SSH key. Where is the generator key in ffxv.

Generating New SSH Key

You can generate a new SSH key for authentication using the following command in Git Bash −

If you already have a SSH key, then don't a generate new key, as they will be overwritten. You can use ssh-keygen command, only if you have installed Git with Git Bash.

When you run the above command, it will create 2 files in the ~/.ssh directory.

  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa − It is private key or identification key.

  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub − It is a public tv.