Openvpn Easy-rsa Generate Key

To create a new set of keys for OpenVPN using Easy-RSA, we firstly need to clean our environment and get ready for the build.

Now we need to build the certificate authority.

May 25, 2015  How to create keys with easy-rsa without a password prompt. John Cartwright May 25, 2015 1 Comment To create a new set of keys for OpenVPN using Easy-RSA, we firstly need to clean our environment and get ready for the build. Certificate Authority (CA) For security purposes, it is recommended that the CA machine be separate from the machine running OpenVPN. On the CA machine, install easy-rsa, initialize a new PKI and generate a CA keypair that will be used to sign certificates. Oct 20, 2017 It is possible to generate your certificates on the router itself if you don't have access to a Linux machine, or if you don't have a Windows client installed with Easy-RSA. Easy-RSA is a simple to use environment that is bundled with OpenVPN, and has been included in Asuswrt-Merlin. Setting up the environment.

Now build the DH (Diffie-Helllman) parameters.

And we can build the server keys.

And I build one client key for myself.

I am generating a certificate request here.

Now I need to add a passkey to the server key.

This configuration will create a good working OpenVPN configuration that will allow secure communication between a client and a server machine. /avg-mobile-subscription-key-generator.html. This is necessary for securely administering a remote server with an encrypted tunnel.

I installed OpenVPN on a Ubuntu machine, and generated certificates to allow another Linux client to connect. Verified it's working, and the client is forced to use the VPN tunnel.
In the example I followed, the server certs (including the DH pem file) were moved to /etc/openvpn. Client certs were moved elsewhere.
Now that it's working I'd like to generate certificates to allow me to add additional clients. I tried this by going to /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa and running 'build-key clientname'. I received a message about needing to source vars and .clean-all first. So I ran these commands (knowing that the certificates in the keys folder had already been moved out). Then I tried to generate the client certs again. This time I received a message about missing the CA certs and the private key. I then moved ca.* & dh1024.pem back over to the keys folder and tried again. Now I get a message 'Unable to load CA Private Key 140431349081752:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:701:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
Keys are still generating, but I'm guessing they're not valid. In order to generate additional client keys, do I need to re-generate server cert, CAs, and DH Keys? Or am I missing something else?

Generate A Static Openvpn Key

Thank you!

Openvpn Key File
